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  • Writer's pictureDamian

12 Essential Apartment Security Tips to Keep Your Home Safe

Moving into a new apartment is an exciting experience. There are countless things to keep in mind when choosing your new home. One thing to always consider is security. It is vital to remember the safety of your household and belongings. When moving into an apartment, it's important to be aware of the unique security challenges that come with this type of living arrangement. Unlike standalone houses, apartments often have shared spaces, multiple entry points, and a diverse range of residents on top of all of that as a renter, you are quite limited to making changes so make sure you follow up with your landlord or check your lease agreement before making any physical changes.  

 Luckily there are a few measures you can put in place to ensure your safety. Let's dive right into apartment security tips. 

As a renter, you are quite limited to making changes so make sure you follow up with your landlord or check your lease agreement before making any physical changes.  

1)Choosing the right location

Many of us forget the importance of checking security when viewing potential apartments. It is very important to keep security in mind when choosing a new home. Here are a few key points to be on the lookout for.

  • Building security(Entrances, security personnel, parking bay walls, etc) Ensure you check the security of the building

  • Check out the surrounding area

  • Check out the local crime statistics and news reports 

  • Check out the inside and make note of any additional security measures you want to install

For a more in-depth guide on what to look at in security please check out this post 

2)Upgrade your door locks 

After moving into your new apartment keep in mind that your current lock has been used by other renters before you. Any one of them could've easily made a spare key. This is very unlikely but it is a possibility. With the permission of your landlord upgrade/replace your apartment's door locks. Your door is your first line of defense to ensure it's safe and secure. 

Installing a deadbolt lock on an apartment door for enhanced security

3)Secure sliding doors 

A sliding door leading out towards a balcony might seem like a low-risk entrance. But criminals see it as an easy way in. Install additional locks on your sliding door a rod or broom handle in the track of a sliding door can also prevent them from being forced open. Safety film on the glass can also prevent a criminal from gaining easy entry. 

4)Check your entrances 

Your first line of defense is your door and without knowing who is on the other side opening it can cause you to easily lose that line of defense. After installing/upgrading your locks install a peephole or a ring video doorbell. When you can see/speak to whoever is outside you can make an informative decision to give them access or to keep them locked out.

5)Secure your windows

The security of your window is just as important as the security of your door. A window can be an easy access point for a criminal. You might think that being up on the 5th floor eliminates you from a window break in but unfortunately, a criminal finds a way. 

  • Keep your windows covered

  • Install window locks 

  • Install window security film 

For a more in-depth guide please check out this post

6)Install a security system

In today's day and age, it has become quite easy to install a home security system that can be monitored from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. This can be anything from door sensors/window sensors to motion detection devices. 

You can also install a security camera to actively monitor your home. 

Home security system app showing real-time alerts and motion detection.

If you dont feel like installing these by yourself contact a local security company for a quote. They usually also offer to actively monitor your home and if there is an emergency an armed response unit can be sent to assist. 

7)Don't advertise your absence

We all love a good vacation but to ensure the safety of your apartment it's recommended to not advertise your absence on social media for the entire world to see. When posting on social media try and keep your vacation posts private only sharing them with close friends and family. 

Ask a friend or a neighbor to check in once in a while when you are out of town to ensure there are no pile-ups of mail or newspapers. This can be a clear sign that your apartment is empty. 

8)Get to know your neighbors and the building management

An important part of your security is to get to know your neighbors and the building management. This includes maintenance and security personnel. Knowing a few familiar places in your building or area can make you feel safer and you will be able to tell if someone who shouldn't be there is hanging around. Building good relationships with the people around you can be an extra sets of eyes and having someone close by if there is an emergency is a bonus.

9)Enhance your home security by installing smart lights

 The ability to control your lights remotely using your phone is an incredible feature to have. It allows you to return to a well-lit home and provides the flexibility to turn on your lights even when you are away. The strategic use of lighting, with lights turning on and off, can deter potential intruders by creating the illusion that someone is home. This can also be done with smart bulbs or sensors 

10)Be mindful of shared spaces

Ensure that common areas, such as stairwells and parking garages, are well-lit and secure. Report any maintenance or security concerns to the appropriate authorities or property management. Keep an eye out for any suspicious characters hanging around and if you do feel safe rather take another entrance or call someone to go with you. Rather safe than sorry

11)Consider the renter's insurance

Even the most secure building has a weak spot and if someone truly does want to break in it's possible. It's important to be ready and have renters insurance to protect your belongings. Try and get a package that not only covers theft but also damage and against natural disasters. 

12)Stay vigilant

Last but not least is probably the most important one. Stay vigilant. Pay attention to your surroundings and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. This is not only limited to your home but everywhere you go. This includes shopping centers work parking lots and even the roads you take. Trust your instincts and take steps to ensure your safety.

Person staying vigilant and checking surroundings for security.

Conclusion Apartment security tips and tricks

By following these apartment security tips, you can better protect your new home and enjoy peace of mind. Remember to consult with your landlord before making any security upgrades, and stay vigilant to ensure your safety.

A Quick Overview Of What We Just Discussed

  • Choosing the Right Location: Look for a secure building with visible security measures, assess the surrounding area, and check local crime statistics.

  • Upgrading Your Door Locks: Replace or upgrade door locks to ensure no previous renters have spare keys, and consider additional locks for enhanced security.

  • Securing Sliding Doors: Use rods or broom handles in the track, install safety film, or add extra locks to prevent forced entry.

  • Checking Your Entrances: Install peepholes or video doorbells to identify visitors before opening the door and make informed decisions.

  • Securing Your Windows: Keep windows covered, install window locks, and consider window security film to protect against break-ins.

  • Installing a Security System: Consider a home security system with door/window sensors, motion detection devices, or security cameras.

  • Being Mindful of Shared Spaces: Ensure well-lit and secure common areas, report any concerns, and be cautious of suspicious individuals.

  • Building Relationships with Neighbors and Management: Get to know neighbors, building management, and security personnel for extra support and security.

  • Enhancing Home Security with Lighting Timers: Use timers for lights to create the illusion of occupancy and consider remote control options.

  • Consider Renter's Insurance: Protect your belongings with renters insurance that covers theft, damage, and natural disasters.

  • Staying Vigilant: Stay aware of your surroundings, trust your instincts, and take steps to ensure personal safety both inside and outside your apartment.

Thats it from my side now get going on making your home safer. If you have any other suggestions please feel free to leave a comment. Below are a few more tips for the security of your apartment

  • Install a safe 

  • Consider taking a few self-defense lessons

  • Equipt your home with self-defense tools 

  • Arm yourself as a last resort


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